InvestmentThe UK is one of Sri Lanka's major investors, ranking first in terms of direct foreign investment from the European Union. British companies have invested in diverse areas such as power generation, textiles, garments and
accessories, electronic products, security printing, tourism, infrastructure development, rubber based products, activated carbon, agriculture, logistics, insurance, food processing, computer software development and business process outsourcing. Some of the sectors identified for promotion in the UK in consultation with the Board of Investment in Sri Lanka are:
– Textile / apparel & accessories – IT / IT services – Rubber based products (Automotive components) – Light engineering / metal working – Electronics & components – Ceramics – Infrastructure – Tourism & recreation – Agriculture / food processing – Gems & jewellery For more information on investment opportunities please visit- www.boi.lk "Eastern Revival" Development Programme The Government of Sri Lanka has embarked on a comprehensive redevelopment programme steered by the President's Office and the Ministry of Nation Building & Estate Infrastructure Development in order to revive the livelihoods of the people in the Eastern Province which was recently liberated from the LTTE. In addition to community programmes this redevelopment programme includes many investment opportunities.
Investors would be able to enjoy tax holidays up to 20 years, lands under a special concessionary scheme and other benefits. For more information and to contact the "Eastern Revival" programme direct please visit www.neweast.lk
Promotion of Sri Lanka Trade/Consumer Fairs & Exhibitions, Events-2009 Organized by Sri Lanka Exhibition & Convention Centre. Investment Opportunity Textile Manufacturing Zone / Industrial Park at Perth Estate , Wagawatte, Horana - Sri Lanka The Board of Investment of Sri Lanka (BOI) will be developing a Textile Manufacturing Zone / Industrial Park with modern facilities and services including common infrastructure facilities on Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis for promoting textile industries. 223 acres of land in Horana which is 48 Km from Colombo has been allocated for this project. The selected investor/ developer will be released 50 acres of land initially and the rest depending on the progress made on the project. Prospective investors are invited to submit Requests for Qualification (RFQ) for the development of textile manufacturing zone / industrial park on or before 27th August 2008. Please visit www.boi.lk/ppp for RFQ document, contact details and for more information.