Despite reports that it blocks entry of journalists, the Government of Sri Lanka has permitted,
facilitated and made all logistical arrangements for independent foreign Media to visit the North of the country.
However, due to constraints in the logistical arrangements (especially air travel) and concern for the safety of the media personnel and IDPs, larger numbers of journalists could not be accommodated. With the improvement of the security situation and the smooth progress of mine
clearance operations, the government is hopeful of allowing greater media access to the North as it was in the case of the East, during and after the operations to liberate the province. Currently media have unhindered access to the Eastern province.
Since January 2009 up to date 173 international media organizations, the majority from western media organizations, have visited the Wanni and welfare centres in the North.
Among these media were the following British media: BBC, Sky News, Channel 4, ITN, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, The Times, The Independent, The guardian, Financial Times, The Observer, The Economist,
The following international media also visited Wanni during the above period: CNN, Al-Jazeera, AFP, AP, Reuters, Washington Post, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Russian News Agency, NHK, Voice of America, Xinhua News Agency, Le Monde, Swedish TV, Wall Street Journal,
Christian Science Monitor.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
6 June 2009